To understand the meaning of design is...
to understand the part form and content play...and to realize that design is also
commentary, opinion, a point of view, and social responsibility. To design is much
more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit; it is to add value and
meaning,to illuminate, to simplify, to clarify, to modify, to dignify, to dramatize,
to persuade, and perhaps even to amuse. Design is both a verb and a noun. It is the
beginning as well as the end, the process and product of imagination.
Design Elements
A Graphic Style Manual
Ubuntu refers to "Humanity." The logo depicts three individuals joining hands and looking toward the sky. The same signifies a ' circle of friends.' Ubuntu is an African word derived from the Zulu language, and means "humanity to others."
Typography design is the art of arranging a message in a readable and aesthetically pleasing composition. It' is an integral element of design. Typography doesn't ask the designer to draw their own letterforms, but to instead work with typefaces that already exist.
On this poster the designer is showing the three back to the future movies using different backgrounds for each movie colors and fonts that describe perfectly each movie in one image.
Helevetica is a widely used sans-serif typeface developed in 1957 by Swiss typeface designer Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann. Helvetica is a neo-grotesque design, one influenced by the famous 19th century typeface Akzidenz-Grotesk and other German and Swiss designs.